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How What You Read In The Morning Shapes Your Entire Day

How What You Read In The Morning Shapes Your Entire Day

We all have those days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed

Presence Team

by Presence Team

We all have those days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You know the feeling - you're groggy, your mind is racing, and no matter what you do, you just can't seem to shake the funk. news is: it doesn't have to be this way! One of the simplest things you can do to set yourself up for a productive, positive day is to read something uplifting first thing in the morning. 

Think about it - the first thing you read in the morning sets the tone for your entire day. If you start your day by reading something negative, your mind will automatically go to negative places. But if you start your day by reading something positive, your mind will be more open to positive thoughts and possibilities. 

This is why we recommend reading something uplifting first thing in the morning, whether it's a short devotional, an inspirational article, or even just a few positive quotes. Taking just a few minutes out of your day to read something that fills you with hope and happiness will make a world of difference in how your day unfolds. 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start each day by reading something that fills you with hope and happiness. It doesn't have to be anything extensive - even just a few positive quotes can make a world of difference in how your day goes. Start each day off on the right foot, and see how much better your days start to feel.